What ID Physicians Do?

ID physicians are qualified experts in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. ID specialists complete many years of medical school and follow it up with additional 2 years of fellowship training focused solely in treatment of infectious diseases. ID physicians focus primarily on treating all kinds of infections including that of heart, brain, lungs, urinary tract, bowel, bones, sinuses and pelvic organs that may be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and others. Along with their specialized knowledge comes a deep insight into the appropriate use of antibiotics and their potential adverse effects on individual basis.
Not everyone who has an infectious disease needs an infectious disease specialist referral. Your general internist can take care of most infections, but sometimes specialized expertise is needed to either diagnose or manage specific infectious diseases.
ID Physicians also offer travel consultations, travel immunizations and medications to help protect you while traveling internationally. It is important to consult with an ID physician concerning travel immunizations that may be recommended for your destination and planned activities. The idea behind a vaccine or immunization is to expose your body's system to the disease after it has been rendered harmless. By doing so, the body can build up its own natural protection so that if it encounters the virus, the body will be "immune" to its effects. This immunization effect takes time, so it is a good idea to give your body at least a month head start to condition itself before traveling.

Services Offered

Treatment of Infections

  • Office or hospital consultation at your doctor's request

  • Prolonged fever

  • Antibiotic resistant infections (MRSA, VRE)

  • HIV and AIDS

  • Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, herpes, chlamydia)

  • Hepatitis B and C

  • Post Travel Illness

  • Lyme Disease

  • Influenza

  • Home intravenous antibiotics

  • Infection Control

Preventative Care

  • Travel Medicine related services like vaccinations and immunizations.